Film opening Analysis - Mama
Within this film the audience are made to jump unexpectedly this meaning when they least expect something something scary would happen etc. This film uses a lot of deep fear so it doesn't necessarily jump out at the screen but when you (as the audience) sit there and actually think about that scene again and think into it it has a scary thought behind creeping the audience out even more. There are various camera angles that help to add to the tension of the whole scare tactic however some I would say were poor because they didn't scare as well as they could of.
The opening of the film Mama starts with just a father and his two daughters as if they were just any other family. This is effective because the audience know of the genre but they aren't prepared for the big twist that happens 6 minutes on. The setting of the scene is also just as effective because it has the dark and lonely house at the very start to then the contrast of the bright white snow then back to an abandoned house. This creates the image to grab the audience better and makes it more interesting to watch almost questioning where are these people going. Furthermore when Jeffery (the dad of the children) drives crazily down the snowy road it creates tension for the audience because you almost think that there going to be in an accident etc. This is effective because the audience already 3 minutes 31 seconds into the film feel fear for these children and for what is going to happen.
When Jeffery holds this gun and the audience do finally see what he is planning to do it is really powerful because the audience now see the type of character that Jeffery is. Moreover to have all of this in an opening of a film is very different to normal horrors and makes 'Mama' special compared to other movies. Then for what happens to Jeffery your have to watch the film however that is even crazy to happen 8 minutes into the film and even before the 'Mama' title sequence. The audience from these scenes are given the insight of what type of film it is and it making 'Mama' extra good and entertaining.
Techniques like this that are effectively used throughout the film is what makes a good horror, simply because the audience are gripped towards the film and are given the jump that is needed with a film like 'Mama'.
I would rate this film a 4.2 out of 5.
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