When deciding on the location it is important we take into account angles of filming, the spaces where the camera can fit and if it is suitable for filming to take place. Also it is very important we go far enough into the woods to not hear any cars or be interrupted by predestines. This would then effect any film footage we had because the sound would be interrupted.
Furthermore, now we have decided who is playing who and what the story line/plot is we can start filming straight away. All what was left to do was find the perfect location to start filming and after a successful search yesterday, searching up to two hours, we feel we are ready to get costume, prop and actors ready to start shooting.
One thing I decided to do when we was looking yesterday was to take a few practice camera shots to imagine what it would look like when filming there in future reference. Doing this was very effective because it enabled us to have a further insight to our ideas of the film opening.
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