Friday, 24 March 2017

Film review (Horror - The quiet ones)

Film review on 'The quiet ones'...

This film overall was not as terrifying as I as an audience member would of hoped for. There was various moments that would make anyone jump for example when the loud dramatic music played non diegetically in the background and the camera slowly creeped into the room of the possessed girl/creature. One part in particular is when Brian McNeil (played by Sam Claflin) looks through the peep hole in the door of the possessed character and she is cutting her wrists. The filming of this was really effective because you couldn't fully see her cutting herself but you got the idea from the body language and reaction of Brian's character who has a formed love for her (Jane Harper who was played by Olivia Cooke.) 

One main thing that actually scared me when watching this film was the fact it is based on a true experiment. Adding that at the start of the movie talking about, ''based on true events'', was really effective because throughout the film the audience are aware and can remember some of this actually happened therefore adding the scare factor. 

Overall this movie does have errors of improvement and could be better plotted, by this I mean have more a plot to the whole movie, meaning the audience can understand what is going on better. If I had to rate it out 5 stars I would give it a 3 simply because it does have scary features and ideas that make you think however there are more errors then good. The best part is probably the ending and this is because it really makes it's audience think. When you see Brian's character go through the whole deal (WARNING SPOILER ALERT) of the possession of the evil character in the girl he thinks he loves to then go into him does really touch a nerve, simply because all his character wanted to do is film for his degree but caught in love with a demon.

The final scene (the final final scene that comes after the credits which people normally don't watch) is really good because it shows how Brian's character is now and you see the real change which can be very upsetting. 

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